Additional users can be added to your app account to share appointments and access customer information and documentation.
TradeHelp App for mobile
- Select Settings from the main menu and choose Manage Users
- To create a new user, select the + button in the top right hand corner
- Enter the users details, ensuring you give the correct email address with no typos and Save
- The user will be sent an email with a link to create their own password
- Once they have signed up through the link they will then be able to log into the account with their own email address and password
- To edit a user’s details select the user from the same list, make any edits and press Save
- To disable a user’s account, select the user from the list, and choose Disable Account and Save
TradeHelp Office for desktop
- Go to Settings from the main menu
- Under the heading Company you will find Users
- Click Edit on the right hand side
- To add a new user, select Invite User in the top right hand corner
- Complete the details ensuring you enter the correct email address with no typos and Save
- The user will be sent an email with a link to create their own password
- Once they have signed up through the link they will then be able to log into the account with their own email address and password
- To disable a user’s account, select the user from the list, and choose the Disable action on the right hand side