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The Quick Invoice option is the simplest way to create a customer invoice for any trade using a simple line item

*Please note
Quotes and invoices can only be created on desktop in the TradeHelp Office upgrade packages, TradeHelp Office PRO and Office HeatPRO.  

If you are not on an upgrade package please create your quotes and invoices within the TradeHelp app by following the process below.  You can then log into TradeHelp Office for desktop to view, download and print these documents if required. 

TradeHelp App for mobile

  1. Select Invoice from the main menu and choose the + button in the top right hand corner
  2. Select a customer or create a new customer using the + button in the top right hand corner
  3. Select Add Item at the bottom of the screen
  4. Complete the details for the item
  5. If you wish to hide the itemised price on the invoice select the toggle on and Save
  6. Repeat until all items have been added
  7. Select number ‘2. Add Notes’ to enter any free type information you would like to show on your invoice and select Done
  8. Select number ‘3. Confirm / Send’ and choose the payment terms, then add any discount 
  9. You can record any payments you may have already received by selecting the Paid option
  10. If you would like to receive payment reminders once the customer’s invoice is overdue, switch the payment reminders toggle ON
  11. To view the invoice select Review Invoice in the top right hand corner
  12. Select Invoice Actions and Email Invoice to send to your customer
  13. Check the email address and press Send then send the quote through your mail account

TradeHelp Office PRO and Office HeatPRO for desktop

  1. Select the Create Invoice shortcut from the top of the home page or select Invoices from the main menu and New Invoice
  2. Find the customer or create a new customer using the New Customer button in the top right hand corner
  3. Select Create Invoice on the right hand side of the customer
  4. Add a new item by selecting the Add New Item button on the right hand side
  5. Complete the item details and select Add
  6. Repeat until all items have been added and choose Save
  7. A discount can be added by selecting the Discount total
  8. Any payments you may already have received can be added by selecting the Record Payment button
  9. Select View Invoice from the top banner to view the invoice pdf
  10. Select Email Invoice from the top banner to send the invoice to your customer 
  11. If you have linked your account with a Quickbooks or Xero account you can export the invoice directly by selecting Export Invoice from the top banner (see also Linking my TradeHelp Account to Quickbooks or Xero)
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