Help Centre | TradeHelp

The Web Leads Tool allows you to provide instant boiler quotes and recommendations through your website, generating customer leads in less than a minute.

It is a simple one line script to add to your website and is quick and easy to set up.  The tool can be customised with your preferred boiler manufacturers and models, and pricing can be edited to suit your business.   Make it your own with your company logo and colour scheme.

For more information see Web Leads Tool on our website

The tool is available to those on the Office HeatPRO plan and can be set up from the Settings section of your TradeHelp Office log in. 


TradeHelp Office HeatPRO for desktop

  1. Open TradeHelp Office in your web browser
  2. Select Settings from the main menu. Scroll down to Web Leads Tool and select Edit
  3. Follow the instructions to complete the settings, choosing your theme colour, boiler preferences, pricing and the warranty you offer
  4. The contact information for the tool on your site and the information sent to your customer will all pull through from your Company Settings
  5. Select Review to see how your Web Leads Tool will look once uploaded to your website and check you are happy with the preferences you selected.  Preferences can be updated at any time and checked again via the Review button
  6. Once you are happy with your preferences you can copy the one line script at the bottom of the page and this can be provided to your web designer to drop into your site.  This is a very simple process and should only take a few minutes to be added*
  7. If you, or your web developer have any questions or need technical support, please feel free to contact us on 01978 666 887 and the team will put you in touch with our IT support
*Please note if your website is created with Wix, there is a slightly different process to adding the tool.  Please contact us on the number above for more information.
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